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LIVING with Integrity, LOVING like Jesus, and LEARNING with Purpose

At Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we believe that education is not confined to the classroom. We offer many athletic and extracurricular activities to meet the varied interests of our students.

As part of a Roman Catholic parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel School serves a diverse community and encourages all students to strive toward excellence. In partnership with parents, teachers aim to meet the needs of all learners. Our rigorous curriculum fosters innovative thinking and develops academic perseverance, while also celebrating the value of creative expression and each individual’s unique contribution to our world. Students are taught to respect all of God’s creation and follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and the practice of Social Justice.

School Families 

Each student at OLMC is assigned to a School Family when they join our school. Each School Family consists of 8-10 boys and girls who are not related, one from most grades TK-8. Each has an a Patron Saint and an assigned classroom where they meet for school family activities throughout the school year. Activities are conceived and led by the oldest students, who assist, guide and watch over the younger students.

Activities focus on our Catholic Identity and include holiday celebrations (All Saints Day, Christmas, Easter Triduum), and Community Outreach activities (such as assembling goodie bags for hospitalized children at Halloween or decorating Valentine's Day bags for a homeless shelter luncheon).

Students remain in the same school family throughout their OLMC education, so the TK and Kindergarten students eventually become the 7th and 8th grade leaders of group activities. This continuity enables our students to form lasting friendships outside of their own grade. Younger children are exposed to peer role models and mentors, while older children develop leadership and caring skills. By forging bonds across all ages, the School Family tradition helps us create a safe, cohesive, and caring community among our student body.

Catholic Schools