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The Consultative School Board (Board) exists to assist the school community in its essential goal of educating young people and passing on the Catholic faith and its traditions to its students. In their Pastoral statement, To Teach As Jesus Did, the U.S. Bishops state that “planning and implementing the educational mission of the Church must involve the entire Catholic community and that such involvement is achieved through such structures and processes representative of the Community.” (TTJD #139). By drawing on the expertise and experience of its members, the Board helps secure the future of the school as an institution of education and formation in Catholic moral principles and traditions, and in all aspects of education.

2024-2025 School Board Membership

  • Megan Armando
  • Raquel Barbarotto
  • Patrice Cresci Hornung
  • Natalie Lashinsky
  • Leah Loo
  • Rosendo Padilla

Ex Officio Members of the Board

  • Jennifer Bruzzone, OLMC Principal
  • Msgr. Romulo Vergara, OLMC Parish Pastor

Meeting Times

The OLMC School Board meetings occur on Tuesday nights. Minutes are posted here

Purpose and Mission

The purpose of the Board is to promote broader participation and to invite administrative and financial counsel in formulating policies for the operation of the school, and to assist in devising and maintaining plans of operation designed to assure the successful permanent operation of the school. The Board shall not be in conflict with the daily operation of the school, other existing or future organizations that are concerned with providing advice, or activities in other areas.


This school year we have two committees: 

Enrollment: Patrice Cresci Hornung and Natalie Lashinsky

Facility/Safety: Raquel Barbarotoo and Leah Loo



The purpose of the Advisory School Board is to assist the school community in its essential goal of educating young people and passing on the Catholic faith and its traditions to its students. In their pastoral statement, To Teach As Jesus Did, The U. S. Bishops state that “planning and implementing the educational mission of the Church must involve the entire Catholic community and that such involvement is achieved through such structures and processes representative of the Community.” (TTJD #139). By drawing on the expertise and experience of its members, the Board helps secure the school's future as an institution of education and formation in Catholic moral principles and traditions and all aspects of education.


The purpose of the Advisory School Board is to promote broader participation and to invite administrative and financial counsel in formulating policies for the school's operation and to assist in devising and maintaining plans of operation designed to assure the successful permanent operation of the school. The Board shall not conflict with the daily operation of the school or other existing or future organizations concerned with providing advice or activities in other areas.


The Pastor, who the Archbishop of San Francisco has given his authority, gives the Advisory School Board its mandate and delegates responsibility and tasks to the Board.


The Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Pastor and Principal, and all actions of the Board shall be seen as counsel to the Pastor and Principal. They shall act in good faith and without prejudice in accepting such counsel, provided that no such action conflicts with applicable Church laws, Archdiocesan statutes, or civil law governing school administration. The Board speaks and acts only as a body, and no member or group of members speaks or acts in the name of the Board except with the authorization of the Board as a body. Similarly, neither the Board as a whole nor the individual Board members have the authority to speak for the school or the Archdiocese, except with the prior designation of the Pastor.

Serving on a Catholic school board is a ministry. Members provide a service for the Catholic school community. Members should never be motivated to serve on a board to accomplish personal agenda items. A member who offers to serve must be open-minded and use data to make informed decisions. The member must keep in mind the overall good of the school as the basis upon which to make decisions. A board member has no authority as an individual. Only when the Board meets as a group does the person function as a board member. Board members do not serve as conduits to the administration for parents/guardians who have questions, complaints, and/or concerns. Any information received in the course of Board activities and any discussions concerning any Board, School, or Parish business is to be treated as confidential and not to be disclosed outside of the Board and its members.

Catholic Schools