If you have a photo of an Alumni family group or class group you would like to see featured on this page, send it to info@mountcarmel.org. Pictures should be horizontally oriented and of high resolution, with the main focus of the picture taking up about one third of the space (also horizontal).
Stay in Touch!
Are you an alumni who is not receiving the newsletter, other mailings or emails from Mount Carmel School? We want to hear from you! Please fill out this form and let us know what you are up to!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is proud of the over 4,000 graduates who have walked these halls since 1885. Some of our alumni like it so much, they return as Faculty and Staff members.
Many of our alumni are now parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of children enrolled at the school. They give very generously of their time, talent and treasure to “dear old Mount Carmel”.
We are always very pleased to see our alumni enjoying themselves or volunteering at the many events held during the year, including Grandparents' Day, the Auction and the Festival.
Mount Carmel will always be your home. Would you like to have a Reunion?
You are encouraged to contact the Development Office at least 3 months before your reunion event to make arrangements. At that time we will plan a time to meet and show you the available facilities (large hall, small hall and kitchen) and make any final plans.
- The facility is available to you at a nominal fee.
- The event is yours to plan and coordinate.
- We will arrange a tour of the school.
- You may want to attend Mass as a class, before the event. Masses are held at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. on Sundays.
- You are welcome to search our archives for class photos.
Although you and your classmates are responsible for arranging your event, we will work with you to make the process as easy as enjoyable as possible. Please contact us in the Development Office to schedule the facility or help with contacting classmates. Phone 650-366-6127, or email to: development@mountcarmel.org
Distinguished Graduates
Sponsored by the National Catholic Education Association, the Distinguished Graduate award honors graduates of Catholic elementary and middle schools who have graduated at least 10 years prior and have made a contribution to American life and/or the Catholic Church. We are very pleased to have honored the following alumni with this award:
- 2012 - Christian Clifford ’85
- 2011 - Daniel Schott ’77
- 2009 - Monsignor Edward McTaggart ’43
- 2008 - Karen (Gallagher) Sammons ’78 and Jeannie (Britschgi) Gallagher ’53
- 2007 - Sr. Pat Hoffman, SND ’41 and Sr. Margaret Hoffman SND ’46
- 2004 - Tim Goode ’49
- 2001 - Jim and Dolores (Vogl) Centis, ’48 and ’49
- 2000 - Paula (Territo) Uccelli ’56
- 1999 - Jean (Johnson) Harrison ’46
- 1998 - Rita Gleason ’62
- 1996 - Bill Royer ’34
- 1992 - Barbara (Decia) Britschgi ’49
- 1991 - Augie Thorn ’88
- 1990 - Clelia (Roveta) Rossi ’32
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Song
(words by Fr. Cornelius Kennedy)
In a fertile valley nestling 'neath the great Sequoia's shade
There's a treasure house of knowledge where character is made.
It is there we love to linger, where all things are done well,
And we vow our true allegiance to our school of Mount Carmel.
Then to Carmel, dear Mount Carmel, we'll be steadfast, loyal, true.
We'll uphold her stainless honor and we'll add new glory, too.
For the best that there is in us, we will do that men may tell,
That we love our God and country, and that we're true to dear Carmel!