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School Foodies

School Foodies: Lunch service will begin on Monday, Aug 28th. It will be available every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Thursdays only on August 31.

New Parents: this program is optional. You are welcome to send your child to school a bag of lunch. Our school registration code is: carmel

Returning Parents: Please update your child's grade when ordering!

Have questions? Please see this flyer regarding School Foodies

Register Here

School Foodies Menu 

Pizza Lunch

Pizza Lunch every Thursday: Each classroom is assigned a "Pizza Thursday" date to "host'. Class room parents will coordinate volunteers to set-up, serve and clean up. This will take the place of School Foodies every Thursday beginning September 7, 2023. You will find ordering through FACTS easy. You can choose to order weekly or monthly and a weekly reminder will be sent out. Please be on the lookout for more information. Your room parents will be contacting you on how to coordinate this weekly lunch.

Pizza Lunch order Instructions can be found here!


Apply today!